Building Writing Communities: School Edition

Building Writing Communities: School Edition

Hey there, fellow educators! 📚✏️ As someone who juggles the worlds of authoring and teaching (yeah, that heady blend of writing and computer science in the classroom), I’ve seen firsthand the power of a strong writing community. Remember those late-night writing sessions, fueled by coffee and creativity? Let’s recreate that magic for our students. Dive…

Courage in Creative Writing: A Classroom Revolution

Courage in Creative Writing: A Classroom Revolution

Welcome to the Creativity Club We all agree on this one – each student has a vibrant, individual voice that’s ready to make its presence felt. What’s crucial is establishing an environment that unlocks this potential. A space where risks, stumbles, and learning from those stumbles is the norm. The Magic of Courage in Creative…

Smashing Writer’s Block: Student Edition

Smashing Writer’s Block: Student Edition

Ever noticed a student gazing at a blank page, stuck in a creative standstill? That pesky problem is none other than writer’s block. But fear not, it’s not an unbeatable monster. Together, we’re going to tackle it and transform your classroom into a hub of creativity by overcoming student writer’s block! Unraveling the Challenges of…

The Magic of Teaching Creative Writing Online: Build a Stellar Virtual Classroom

The Magic of Teaching Creative Writing Online: Build a Stellar Virtual Classroom

Hey there, future digital educators! Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of online creative writing? Perfect, because we’re about to reveal the secret sauce that makes this whole online teaching thing a piece of cake. You’ve probably heard the buzz about how technology is transforming education, right? Well, strap in because teaching…

Mastering ESL Creative Writing in a Multilingual Classroom

Mastering ESL Creative Writing in a Multilingual Classroom

Diving headfirst into teaching creative writing for ESL students can feel like navigating through uncharted waters. But guess what? You’re not alone. We’ve been there, and we’ve got the compass to guide you through. The Multilingual Classroom: Challenges and Opportunities Sure, teaching in a multilingual classroom comes with its fair share of challenges. There’s the…

How to Encourage Diversity and Inclusion in Creative Writing Classes

How to Encourage Diversity and Inclusion in Creative Writing Classes

Hey there! Today, we’re exploring an incredibly important topic: diversity and inclusion in creative writing classes. Let’s chat about why it matters, and, more importantly, how we can all work towards fostering an environment where everyone feels seen, heard, and validated. Why We Can’t Ignore Diversity in Creative Writing Classes First up, why are we…

The Benefits of Journaling: Teaching Reflective Writing in Creative Writing Classes

The Benefits of Journaling: Teaching Reflective Writing in Creative Writing Classes

The art of teaching reflective writing in creative writing classes is a skill that holds immense value. Journaling, a time-honored tradition, provides an invaluable tool that brings an entirely new perspective to the writing process. In this realm, journaling stands out as a powerful instrument, acting as a catalyst for bolstering creativity, enhancing self-awareness, and…

Top-Notch Tactics for Teaching Creative Writing

Top-Notch Tactics for Teaching Creative Writing

Hey there, creative writing teachers! We know you have a pretty amazing gig – you’re in charge of sparking those imaginative fires, guiding the next generation of poets, playwrights, and novelists. It’s a big job, no doubt. But, hey, we’ve got your back. In this article, we’re going to dive into the best techniques you’ll…