Have Writer’s Block? This Quote’s for You!
Writing Motivation Quote:
“Ignore all hatred and criticism. Live for what you create, and die protecting it.”
~Lady Gaga
What This Quote Means to Me – Dealing with Critics
This quote speaks to me on a personal level because I have always been passionate about my writing. I love creating new characters and new worlds. And like many creators, I have also had to deal with criticism and hatred from others.
The quote suggests that we should ignore this negativity and focus on our creations instead. It encourages us to live for what we create and to be willing to defend it with our lives if necessary. This is a powerful message and one that is particularly relevant in today’s world where we are bombarded with constant criticism and negativity on social media.

Why is This Quote Important to Remember?
One of the reasons this quote is so important is that it reminds us to stay true to our own vision. The opinions of others shouldn’t dictate our actions. In the creative world, it’s common to face criticism and negativity. By staying true to ourselves and our creations, we can forge something truly unique and special.
Another reason this quote is important is that it reminds us to protect our creations. In today’s world, it’s easy for our ideas and creations to be stolen or copied, and it’s crucial that we stand up for what we believe in and protect our creations. By doing so, we show that we are passionate and dedicated. We set a strong example for others.

Tips for Dealing with Critics
Ignoring hatred and criticism can be difficult, but it’s important to focus on what we create and protect it. Here are some tips for dealing with criticism:
- Take a step back: When faced with criticism, it can be helpful to take a moment to collect our thoughts and assess the situation before responding. This can help us avoid reacting in a way that we might later regret.
- Evaluate the source: Not all criticism is created equal. Some criticism may come from well-meaning friends or colleagues who want to help us improve. Other criticism may come from people who are simply looking to tear us down. It’s important to evaluate the source of the criticism and determine whether it’s worth taking to heart.
- Separate the message from the messenger: It can be easy to get defensive when faced with criticism, but it’s important to try and separate the message from the messenger. If the criticism is constructive and well-meaning, try to focus on the message and see if there’s anything that you can learn from it.
- Take time to reflect: After receiving criticism, it can be helpful to take some time to reflect on it. Consider what the criticism is saying and whether there might be some truth to it. If there is, try to learn from it and make any necessary changes. If there isn’t, let it go and move on.
Read some of my other motivational posts for extra help getting started and not stopping on your writing journey.

Final Thoughts About the Quote and Dealing with Critics
In the end, it’s important to remember that criticism is a natural part of life. We can’t avoid it completely, but we can choose how we respond to it. By focusing on what we create and protecting it, we can continue to grow and improve. So ignore the hatred and criticism, and focus on creating and protecting what matters to you.