Writing Motivation

To Anyone Struggling to Start Writing, This Quote is for You!

Writing Motivation Quote:

“Start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on.” ~Louis L’Amour

What This Quote Means to Me – Writing Motivation

I’ll admit, while I try to keep this quote in mind, procrastination is one of my faults. I can be one of those authors who don’t write for months. I’ll clean the house from top to bottom. I’ll take the dog out for more walks than even he wants. I’ll even weed my backyard. Then, suddenly, I’ll sit down and spew stories like a geyser. But when I’m stuck in those times where I’m avoiding the computer like the plague, I try to think of what Louis L’Amour says. I have to sit down and try to write. Nothing is going to happen unless I do.

Motivated Writing

Why is This Quote Important to Remember?

Two words: Writing motivation. Even if you think what you’re writing is utter crap, you need to take the time to write. No author has ever written a book without writing something they hate, something that never sees the light of day outside of their computer. But they keep writing. When the blank screen of the computer is glaring at you, don’t let fear drive you to find something else to do.

Write. Write beautiful prose. Write ugly descriptions. Write boring dialogue. Write witty scenes. Write.

Riveting stories that you can’t put down will follow.

Motivation to Write

Tips to Help with Writing Motivation

  • If staring at a blank screen is the problem, take a couple of hours and write on paper. I’m a journal hoarder because sometimes paper works better for me.
  • Go online, and find writing prompts. They are everywhere, from story starters to pictures. Use these resources to get started.
  • Check for writing contests. They often have a theme or prompt to follow. Not only can that trigger your writing, but it can also lead to exposure and even money.
  • Read some of my other motivational posts for extra help getting started and not stopping on your writing journey.
Final Thoughts

Final Thoughts

So sit down and write. It doesn’t matter what you write, where you write, or how you write. Just write.

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